NYR: How has the summer been and how are you keeping busy in the offseason? Any travel or keeping it low key with the family?
RN: "Summer's been good. Been on the ice a bunch training. Just went back home to the lake for two weeks. That's about it. Been hanging out with the kids and getting ready for next year."
NYR: Has the training begun, and if so, can you tell me where you're at and what a normal day is like in the gym and on the ice?
RN: "Today I'm in the gym from about 8-9:30 to get treatment. I'm on the ice at 1 o'clock here. I do that Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm in the gym for an hour and a half then go to the track for 90 minutes. It's a full week, five days a week training. On Saturday I'll mix in cardio with a bike ride."
NYR: What's the best movie you've seen this summer? Been binge watching any TV shows?
RN: "We went to our first movie last night. It had to be our first one in about a year. We saw Dunkirk. It was great. You leave and you're extra tired. That's the only movie we watched."
"I'm a huge TV show guy. I've been watching Brockmire with Hank Azaria."
NYR: Have you been able to get to any concerts?
RN: "We usually go to a few. I was supposed to see Social Distortion but it got cancelled. That was the only show I was supposed to go to."
NYR: Have you gotten the chance to play any big golf courses this summer?
RN: "I try to play in Columbus once a week. You don't want to spend five hours on a course with two little kids. I went out to Jack Nicklaus' course in Ohio. I think I shot a 77. I think that's my best."
NYR: We have about a month or so before it's back to hockey. Any big plans to close out summer?
RN: "It's been in full training mode for a while. You try to find a little bit of time to relax and take a weekend off here and there to reenergize yourself. It's funny to say, but the summers are sometimes tougher to stay in shape. It's important to find that balance of coming back in top shape and not coming back burnt out from all your summer training. To find that balance it takes a while. You always want to make sure you get enough rest and … you're not bottomed out from your training."