Wordmark that says "Sabres Buffalo vs the Multiverse"

Issue #1 Summary

Issue #1: Home Made

Summary: The Multiverse is a mysterious place. Thousands of years ago Lord Stan-Li ruled with a mighty Cup from the peak of Mount Royal. As his daughters grew older, they planted the ancient forests, became master hunters, rangers, and falconers, but they never stopped plotting for unlimited power. Over time, their empires rose and fell - all trying to capture Lord Stan-Li's Cup.

Fast forward to current day, as Unit 19, Unit 89 and his pet caterpillar "Slugger" navigate their escape from the desert, and discover portals to the Multiverse. With endless worlds and possibilities, they steal an escape pod and crash land in the Buffalo Nation, in November 1871.

They are welcomed by a man who goes by many names (Skinner, Skins, etc.) but mostly by just "Jeff". Jeff is a shepherd who watches over his flock of goats and lives in Ryan's Mill, the last line of defense from the Sabretooth Mountains. Unit 89 soon realizes that Skinner has knowledge of the Lost City of Pominville, which may be the key to unlocking the mystery of his past.

Released: January 2024

Issue #1 Characters

Issue #1 Gallery

Issue #2 Summary

Issue #2: Now Do You Believe

Summary: For over a year, Unit 89 and Unit 19 lived with Skinner at Ryan's Mill. Though they were surrounded by good neighbors, fresh wings, and unexplored ruins, Unit 89 still had many questions about his past and his connection to the lost city of Pominville. All three tended to the goats and were even able to double the size of the herd.

The next year came and it was the coldest winter yet. In the midst of a November blizzard, a hungry and desperate Skinner and Unit 19 went on a supply run into Allentown to meet the Mafiafolk. Alone in the mill on a dark night, Unit 89 is visited by an elder through a vision. A jolly man in suspenders tells him that not only is the lost city of Pominville real, he illuminates visions in the fire of the legends of it's past. From Rayzor to Gare, Martin to Perreault, these names are real, and just like Unit 89, hailed from the Buffalo Nation. As the two shared a cookie, the elder gave him something he had been searching for his whole life, a name. "You come from the Stronghearts of the everlasting family: House Tuch."

Buffalo Nation - April 1873: The earth shook so loud that it sounded like thunder. As "Tuch" (Unit 89) looked up to the mountains, he saw the ice break free and melt as it crashed toward them. He noticed Skinner was on his horse in full-gallop towards him. "Run!" screamed Skinner as a tower of ice crashed through the great wall. The two moved as fast as they could and barely outran the oncoming ice. They faced the mountains with nowhere else to go. They drew their swords, stepped onto the ice, and thus began the Over Time Expedition.

Released: January 2024

Issue #2 Characters

Issue #2 Gallery

Issue #3: Captains of Destiny

Summary: Seven years ago, high on the slopes of Mount Kali’seum in Nassau, Kye-Kye is a teenage islander who is going through the dangerous Naming Ceremony of a koa warrior. The young fighter must swim against the strong currents to the outrigger channels alone to choose their name, their island; and build their home. Not too long before, Kye's best friend Makaio had tried to swim too far during his ceremony and was never seen again. Kye-Kye swam on, into sundown, into darkness — he swam on, into exhaustion, into pain — and beyond. The first land a koa warrior sets foot on in their Naming Ceremony is to be their home. During his rigorous journey, he comes across a shipwrecked sailor who he pulls ashore to safety. “Name’s Vanek,” said the castaway with a mountain accent. “I owe you my life Islander.” Vanek tells him that his friend Makaio is still alive, and that he goes by the name Matthew the Moul. He's joined the dangerous expedition into the Sabretooth mountains through the endless channels of the Multiverse. Kyle knows he must leave his world behind to help his friend.

In present day on the Sabretooth mountains, Tuch and Skinner have been traveling for six months straight without sign of human life, any life, since they embarked into the mountains to save the life of Unit-19 and their herd of 91 Kashmir Goatheads. That is until a group of Wildlings emerge from the whiteout of a storm to capture Tuch and hold him hostage. Skinner uses his soarin' speed to help Tuch "break free," who disarmed the Wildlings using the Sabres given to him by the Elder "RJ". Realizing Tuch and Skinner were not trespassers on the land, but welcomed members of a longstanding alliance, they are brought back to the Wildling encampment for food and rest. It's there that they meet "Moose," who was born in the Lost City of Pominville, and had memories of the way it was, and knowledge of the time since. Moose tells them that Unit-19 and the Goatheads are still alive, and he had come across Unit-19 in his recent travels. He passes along a message, and reunites Tuch with his companion, Slugger. Before they part ways, Moose warns of the darkness that lay ahead if they continue their journey. “Not all battles are fought with swords, my friend. Turn back.”

Back to seven years prior, on the rock of Mount Tsujimoto. Kye-Kye, now known as Kya, is a skilled warrior who can navigate the night sky better than the rest. He's learned the origins of the Multiverse, and has passed along his knowledge to the Audfolk. Alongside his friend Makaio, they've carried on an expedition through the Sabretooth Mountains for over a year. It's on one unfortunate night where he is ambushed by a pack of Coyotes, and though his injuries were healed by the son of Girgen Stone, he had been bitten by a Frost Tick that the wolves had carried, leaving his friend Makaio and the Girgen's son to carry on the expedition without him.

Released: March 2024

Issue #3 Characters

Issue #4: Strong as Oak

Summary: Tuch and Skinner investigate the Flyer airship on the mountainside, finding large quantities of valuable Goathead Kashmir aboard. Before the pair could retrieve any of the precious material, Slugger warned them of impending danger just before a mortar struck the mountainside behind them, creating an avalanche of incredible scale that trapped the pair under layers of snow. Stuck, Tuch’s thoughts ran wild before Slugger managed to burrow a tunnel to the surface allowing much needed oxygen to reach the two Sabres.

Following a cold night’s sleep, Jeff and Tuch are awakened by Kya Okposo, who shares the news of his completion of 999 battles to date, and introducing them to the last son of the Girgen Stone, who’d been secretly tracking their progress for some time. Captain Kya mentioned traveling to Pominville which immediately piqued the interest of Tuch. A helicopter came to take the pair to Pominville, Skinner asked Kya for their Sabres back but Kya told the pair that they are Sabres.

On their voyage to Pominville, Tuch meets Conehead and other Audfolk who seeked Pominville as well. Their greeting upon reaching their destination did not go as expected, Pominville was occupied by a gang of Bruins who instructed the Audfolk to mine and steal gold to contribute to their wealth. After hours of work, a fight broke out and one of the combatants was discovered to be Krebs! A balloon carrying a black cargo crate began to descend from the sky, the Audfolk believed it to carry their relics inside causing 14,000 of them refusing to disperse despite the requests of the guards. As Bruin guards collected the cargo, Kya Okposo emerged only to be opposed by Lord McAvoy, a feared Bruin defenseman who wields a Tee-Cannon with the ability to turn things into Goldenite. McAvoy pointed his weapon at the Audfolk, causing Kya to drop to his knees in sacrifice. As the Goldenite cannon was fired, an unknown man stepped forward to protect Captain Kya in his 1000th battle.

Released: March 2024

Issue #4 Characters

Issue #5 - Into the Black

Summary: The sight of the Golden Sabre’s transport drew eyes from laborers and exotic priests alike, some acknowledging the statue as the “Chosen One” but many more looking on with disgust, spitting at the statue and labeling it a “False Prophet.” Lord Marchand, a modern day Bruin Bearon commanded the Goldenite Statue to be brought to his feet. As the Sabre neared Lord Marchand, Lord Ullmark warned him that the statue’s hand had become free, angering him, and causing him to take a shot towards the statue, who’s arm was now free enough to deflect the shot causing it backfire, leaving Marchand solidifying into gold on the ground.

Captain Kya, Tuch, Slugger, Skinner, Krebs and the Girgen’s son look on as the Bruins carve something into the chest of the Chosen One, as they finished, the group could read “Thompson” carved into the Goldenite. Weeks later in the Vega Star System, the Sabres attempted to break into the Golden Knight’s garrison. Inside the throne room, Krebs and Tuch decided to compete in “The Paradise Gauntlet” competition in the hopes of earning the prize of knighthood and gaining the ability to rescue Thompson from his predicament. Tuch opted to fight instead of Krebs and quickly ran the gauntlet in record time. He eventually made it to the final round and had to face the Golden Sabre, T.N.T. himself. 

Released: April 2024

BUF - Multiverse Issue 6 Summary

Summary: Tuch prepares for what he tells himself is just another fight, trying not to acknowledge that he needed to rescue the Chose One from the Golden Knights to keep the hope of a Sabre resistance alive. The Golden Sabre who Tuch had assumed to be Thompson is revealed to be Nine, Tuch has Nine on the verge of defeat, prepared to deliver a final strike when a lion interferes out of nowhere. The battle between Tuch and Nine rages on for what seemed like forever, following the interference, Tuch begins to slow down. Nine raised his sword ready to come down on Tuch when Krebs jumps in, punching Nine in the face and dragging Tuch to temporary safety. After some time, Tuch decides to speak up, warning the Vega Star System’s Queen of the Bruin’s plan, and the true nature of the ‘gift’ that had previously shot the Bearon with Goldenite. Angered, the Queen sent her fleet to meet the Bruins face to face

In the Sabretooth Mountains, The Girgen’s son lead a group of travelers, pilgrims wearing distinctive horned helmets to meet with Kya, reinvigorating the belief in the Buffalo Nation. Back in the Vega Star System, Tuch finds himself back behind bars on Captain Nine’s starship. Krebs with the help of Slugger was able to free Tuch from his cell, who then recovered the sabres made from RJ’s staff, using them to slice through hordes of oncoming Knights. Tuch reached the cockpit of the ship, shouting at Nine for Thompson’s release. Following the words of RJ flowing through his swords, Tuch slashed through Knights passing through the bridge on his way to Nine, who suddenly buried a golden knife, hilt deep into his skin. As Tuch lifted his blade in what he thought to be defeat, he noticed a drop of the Ninth Knight’s blood, the DNA inside this drop opened a new portal to paradise, to the Buffalo Nation. RJ’s voice called out as Tuch raises his sword in celebration.

Captain Kya turned to the site of the Vega Starship’s crash into the mountainside, knowing there was a Golden Knight garrison on board, invading his home. Okposo and the other Sabres defended from a barrage of defenses coming from the crashed ship with Thompson waking up inside. Skinner was forced to blast the crew with a Goldenite cannon to protect them from an oncoming explosion. As the dust settled, Kya had a decision, choosing to leave with Sam the Pure Heart, a seafaring trader, leaving the Sabres to move forward without their Captain. They had a realm to rebuild, their Captain having collected 1045 battles over the years, but Kya hadn’t left them without a gift, a map leading the Audfolk out of the darkness.

Released: May 2024