Reading is Cool

K-5th Grade

Reading Is Cool is a no cost and unique literacy program focused on K-5th grade classrooms in Northern California. The program is designed for individual classrooms and runs from October through March, parallel to the San Jose Sharks regular season. The best feature of the program is that it is easy to integrate and teachers can make it fit their class' needs.

Future Goals

4th-8th Grade

Future Goals: Hockey Scholar powered by Everfi is an interactive hockey-themed STEM curriculum for students in grades 4-8. It uses interactive gameplay and real-world scenarios to teach students key STEM skills. The program is available to both teachers and families, and it can be used at home and in the classroom, in-person or digitally.

Stick to Fitness

4th-6th Grade

The San Jose Sharks are partnering with Kaiser Permanente for the Stick to Fitness healthy living program. Stick to Fitness powered by Kaiser Permanente is a program dedicated to educating South Bay 4th-6th grade aged children on the importance of healthy living, while encouraging them to be active through on-site physical education instruction that continues at home. The program teaches lessons in health, fitness and hockey, all at no cost to the school / center. Stick To Fitness is available to schools, after school programs and community centers (YMCA, Boys and Girls Clubs).

Children will obtain digital instruction from Kaiser Physicians, Sharks Players and Alumni, Sharks Mascot S.J. Sharkie and Sharks training staff through their school's PE teacher or activity leader. In addition to the instruction, the participating schools / centers will receive floor ball equipment sets, and more!


The Anti-Bullying Program presented by Kaiser Permanente is designed to teach elementary school students about bullying prevention, while encouraging them to be a friend to one another.