Wild on 7th

NHL vet Ryan Carter, All Hockey Hair Team creator John King and producer extraordinaire Matt Hussey, along with Videographer/Editor Chris McMurry are breaking the mold. They can see the Minnesota Wild becoming Stanley Cup champions, and they're going to help you see it too. This is the Wild on 7th podcast.

Episodes dropped weekly, presented by Pilot Games.

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About the Hosts

Ryan Carter

Former student of the month during the 6th grade sewing unit, Ryan gained notoriety in his hometown of White Bear Lake. He took his skills with the sewing needle and miraculously turned it into a hockey career by stitching his name bar on any jersey he could. Teams could cut players, but not the threads on the back of his jerseys. 

After ten years on the ice professionally, and one too many cups of coffee, he traded in the skates for a camera and microphone. Despite now being the color analyst of the MN Wild, he continued to be told he's got a face for radio. Like any good, coachable player, he listened and started a podcast. With the dream of seeing the Cup parade down 7th street in his hometown, Wild on 7th was born.

John King

While King grew up in the small town on the west side with a dream, Edina, weak ankles had him playing football not hockey. Later in life, King cashed in his 15 minutes of fame judging adolescent boys' hairstyles with the creation of the annual Minnesota State High School All Hockey Hair Team. Today King is the Editor and Chief at Pulltab Sports and a beer league bubble player on Tuesday nights in White Bear Lake where his teammates told him he didn't need to tell anyone that the cut on his lip came from tipping the puck into his own face. King is behind the "Not Weird. Wild." creative campaign and hopes to one day play ping pong or cold tub with Kirill Kaprizov.

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