Zebras Care

The Minnesota Wild, in partnership with the NHL, NHL Officials Association and the Minnesota Military Family Assistance Center, and presented by Blaze Credit Union, are pleased to welcome back the Zebras Care program.

Once a month, October through March, this program will provide an opportunity for a family of active duty or deployed service people to enjoy a Minnesota Wild hockey game and a pre-game meet and greet with the NHL officials.


My name is Staff Sergeant Alicia Knafla. I reside in Hugo, Minnesota with my significant other Jordan and 5 year old cat Piper. I have been in the National Guard for 13 years and am part of the Active Guard Reserve. I deployed to Afghanistan from 2018-2019 in support of Operation Freedom's Sentinel as a casualty liaison specialist working in a Role 3 hospital in both Kandahar and Bagram, Afghanistan. I currently work for Joint Force Headquarters in Saint Paul Minnesota in Human Resources, and my current role is the J1 Systems Waiver and PARs NCO. I enjoy basketball, football and of course hockey! Go Wild!!!!


Sadie is the second of four children from Anoka High School. Whilst going to school, all four children had their first jobs working for their father, Howard, at his Subway franchise, holding down the fort at the Main Street Subway in DTA (Downtown Anoka). Right after high school, Sadie joined the National Guard and enrolled at the University of Minnesota. Graduating from the U of M in the Class of 2015, she has always continued her work and progress with the National Guard, even while having her beautiful daughter, Amelia. She's truly one of the hardest working most genuine people and we are proud of all the things she's accomplished.


Major Elizabeth Clapero (Clap-arrow) is currently deployed to Djibouti. She is the Branch Chief of Navy Supply Contracts Office and leads the Minnesota Army National Guard’s 1903rd Contingency Contracts Team; consisting of Captain Jared Becker, Sergeant First Class David Gonzalez, Staff Sergeant Nichelle Nagle, and Staff Sergeant Ethan Prochnow (Prock-now). Elizabeth Clapero has been previously deployed to Iraq and Kuwait. 

Major Clapero married Daniel Clapero, a Social Studies Teacher at Eagle Ridge Academy, in 2010 and they have three sons: Calvin, 13, Franklin, 10, and Norman, 8.


Sergeant First Class Sean Daly enlisted as a Fire Support Specialist in the MN Army National Guard, 34th Division Artillery (DIVARTY) in 1996. He has served in two overseas tours, one in Kosovo (2003-2004) and one in Iraq (2009-2010) and has been a full-time Active-Duty member of the MN Army National Guard for over 18 years. During 27 years of service, SFC Daly has served in the 34th Division Headquarters Headquarters Battalion (DHHBN), 84th Troop Command, Echo Target Acquisition Battery (ETAB) 151 Field Artillery, 34th Combat Aviation Brigade Headquarters Company and is currently the Readiness NCO and Fire Support Sergeant for the newly reactivated 34th DIVARTY.

SFC Daly and his wife Jennifer have been married for 20 years. Their son Conor (17) is a high school senior and works at Audi Minneapolis. Their daughter Maggie (14) is a high school freshman and plays for the 15U Champlin Park Coon Rapids Girls Hockey Team.


Staff Sergeant Ryan Noel enlisted in the MN Army National Guard in 2008 as an Infantryman. He has served two tours, one in Iraq (2011-2012) and one in Kuwait (2018-2019) in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Staff Sergeant Noel currently serves as the 34th Military Police Company Training NCO and as a squad leader in Stillwater, MN.

Captain Jennifer Noel enlisted in the MN Army National Guard in 2007 as a paralegal and was commissioned as an officer in 2016. She deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (2009-2010). She is currently the Operations Officer for the 55th Civil Support Team out of St. Paul, MN.

Ryan and Jenn have four kids, Jacob (21), Kayla (19), Ethan (12), and Liam (6). Ethan and Liam were in attendance.


Sergeant First Class Donna Moe is currently deployed to Kuwait with the 147th HR Company. She is the Theater Gateway NCOIC, with a Team of 16 at her location. Theater Gateway Outbound's main missions are inter theater travel and redeployments. Donna has been a member of the Minnesota National Gaurd full time for over 18 years.

Kiah is attending Concordia University, St. Paul with goals of attending law school. Jordyn, will be attending ASU next fall with their explore program. Wyatt In 4th grade and Sebastian in 3rd grade. Both strive to be internet famous YouTubers.