
In the second of our two-part series on the Speak of the Devils Podcast looking into the development side and staff for the Devils, Matt Loughlin and Amanda Stein are joined by the Director of Player & Team Development Aimee Kimball and Goaltending Development Coach Scott Clemmensen.
The podcast takes a deep dive into their vital roles in shaping the future of the Devils with their hands-on work with the up-and-coming group of players. They are part of the group that helps create the culture of the Devils franchise, instill it into players from the moment they join the franchise and cultivate it during the development process.
New Jersey Devils Official Podcast
Player Development #2 | Speak of the Devils
But this does not only mean the development of players on the ice, as Dr. Kimball shares.
"We'll sit down as a development staff and talk about what are some of the things that we see players facing today that they might that might need to be addressed," Kimball says, "So for some of them, they don't know how to cook."

Player Development Part 1 
Kevin Bahl discusses preparing for the NHL
Ken Daneyko discusses adjusting to his new routine
Taylor and Rogalski Discuss New Coaching Roles with Devils
Bobby Holik Shares Lessons Learned from Hockey
That lead to the 2017 Development Camp taking the entire group to Hoboken for cooking class, another year it was a scavenger hunt from
Prudential Center
right into New York City. And even such little things as Devils staff scavenger hunts, getting players familiar with the support staff, where they sit and who they are. Everything is lined with valuable life lessons.
"We taught some of them how to set a table and just the little things that as adults, they should know, but we don't want to take for granted, I think a lot of times there's assumptions that these players know how to write a check, and many of them don't."
The camp lasts just a few days, some returning players who know the group, others drafted just a week or two beforehand. This camp proves an invaluable experience for everyone.
"I see a big difference just in them getting to know each other as people to especially the end talent show, you get to see a lot about a player's personality in the talent show. And that one stays behind closed doors. There's no video there's nothing involved with strict rules."
Joining Dr. Kimball on the podcast is goaltending development coach Scott Clemmensen who has been hands-on in the acquisition of Corey Crawford and the development of Mackenzie Blackwood. Clemmensen shares with the podcast audience how his role has evolved over the last few years as the emphasis on goaltending departments continues to grow around the league.
Added into the mix this year is a full-time goaltending coach in Binghamton, Brian Eklund, and the addition of Dave Rogalski in New Jersey.
"One of the new roles I'm going to take on is the more of a director of the development and operations of the new the new goalie department," he scared, "We did hire full-time goalie coach for Binghamton, which is great, and Rollie Melanson, the goalie coach here in New Jersey the past three years has retired and he's earned that right rightfully so. So we hired Dave Rogalski."
The right fit was the most important part, finding the people who will fit with the culture towards the success of the franchise.
"These guys really fit," Clemmensen continued, "They fit the profile of what we're looking for. Hard-working, no ego, being collaborative, it's going to be a very collaborative project. There is a bunch of new parts. Obviously, this is a weird start to the season but there have been some new additions, as well as a new goalie on the ice too. So, I think for me anyway, having a prior relationship with these guys and knowing their personalities, I think it's going to make everything much smoother and more beneficial. It's going to be more aligned from top to bottom within our organization."