Siegenthaler - Icebreakers

This season on the Devils Hockey Network, play-by-play man Matt Loughlin is getting to know your New Jersey Devils players a little better away from the game of hockey. If you've been listening, you might have heard that John Marino would be a dolphin if he could be any animal. Or maybe you missed it and are regretting not tuning in! 

Well, now we're making sure you can stay up to date and won't miss out on all the interesting answers your favorite Devils provide!

In this first edition of Icebreakers, Matty chats with Jonas Siegenthaler:

Matt Loughlin: I can tell you're looking at this line of questioning I have and been wondering what's coming your way.

Are you ready for some questions to get to know you a little bit better? Here we go: If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would it be? You could eat it all the time, whenever you want. It was never going to run out and you wouldn't get too filled with it.

Jonas Siegenthaler: I would just go with some Swiss kitchen, probably.

ML: That’s not unexpected. If you were an animal, what animal would you be? And why.

JS: I would say an elephant. Because I think they're just impressive animals. They're big, but they're smart. And they always stick together, and that's what I like.

ML: This could be in hockey, it could be in life. Is there one goal you'd like to accomplish in your lifetime?

JS: Just stay healthy. That's my goal to stay healthy, be happy. I think the older I get, you kind of think more about it and think those two things are major in life.

ML: When you were little, who was your favorite superhero? And why?

JS: I'll probably go with Superman. You know, it's a classic, but I watched movies the movies and he was probably the first superhero I watched. He was pretty cool, I still think he's cool.

ML: We know how you spend a lot of your time in the winter, what do you do in the summer?

JS: In the summer, I like to be outside, be at the river, be at the lake, be in the city, just stroll around a little bit. Just be on the lake, do some wake surfing swimming, stuff like that.

Siegenthaler Wakesurf

ML: Is there a city that you haven't visited yet that's on your list?

JS: Yeah, Dublin. I think that's on top of my list. And I think the chances are pretty good this summer that I will go there.

ML: As a man who has been to Ireland many times and my grandparents are all from there, I second that opinion. Get there as soon as you can.

Are you a morning or a night person?

JS: I'd say morning. I don't have trouble waking up or to wake up. So I like to be up early, get my coffee, do some stuff, I would definitely say I'm a morning person.

ML: Two last ones and I’ll let you go. What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?

JS: A grasshopper. It's actually something pretty common in Thailand, you can find them on the street market there. They have pretty good seasoning, so you know you eat them and it actually tastes pretty good. And they're rich in protein as well.

ML: Fried?

JS: Yup, fried.

ML: I’m not sure any other way would work! And the last one is, tell us about a unique or quirky habit that you have.

JS: A unique habit… um, cooking.

ML: I don't know if that's unique or quirky, but we’ll go with it. What do you like to cook?

JS: I cook everything to be honest. Like, if I see something I like or it looks good, I try to look it up and just go by the book and cook it.
