Pavel Zacha 10 Questions:
Do you have any pregame superstitions? I have to eat the same food. Usually salmon with pasta and ketchup! That's a European thing, when I say it in Europe everyone likes it. But when I came to Canada my first time, they were like you can't even order it here in a restaurant! Usually also tie my skates 24 minutes before the start of a game.

What is the worst Pizza Topping?I don't like meat on pizza. Probably chicken.
If I couldn't play hockey professionally I'd be playing?Tennis. I played it when I was growing up.
What your favorite condiment on a sandwich? To be honest I really like mustard on sandwiches. I don't like ketchup on sandwiches, just pasta.
What was your favorite subject in school:Probably history. I was the best at it in school.
When I think about having to do the shuttle run again I think? It was the toughest thing I've done in the last three years. Tough morning.
If you look inside my closet you'll notice: A lot of shoes.
Favorite TV Show?Suits
My ideal pregame music is? I really like to listen to the new Drake album, and older rap music like Dr. Dre. Those songs pump me up.
What are you scared of? Ants! That's like my biggest fear. When I was young I fell on an ant hill and since then I can't even see an ant.