The last few days have been really weird. Weird in the coolest way possible. It's crazy to finally be able to be a part of an NHL team and represent a team like the Golden Knights. I was at home with my family watching the draft only four days ago when it cut to a commercial and suddenly, I got a call from my agent. He told me that Vegas had chosen me and when I looked up at the TV, I saw my name and my family just started screaming. We went crazy, we were so excited.  

My whole life, I dreamed of this moment but never really thought it would happen. My dad and I always talked about how we hoped for a day like that. When you first hear your name, it's weird. It doesn't feel like it's real and you want to pinch yourself. But once you get that call, you just soak it all in. It’s a moment I’ll never forget and it’s something I’ll have with me forever. I'm super humble to be chosen by an organization like Vegas. Being drafted is something I never thought would happen. I think it's something that kids can learn from, and I want people to know that even when you think you can't do it, you can.

Now that I’m here in Vegas, this place is unreal. It’s my first time here and I don't ever want to leave. I want to stay here forever, I want to live here. I mean, every day it’s perfect weather to golf. Can't beat that, right? It’s just really amazing. Also, I think it's really special being drafted to a place that isn't a typical hockey market and that's something that I think the Golden Knights have done a really good job of building it into one. One thing I have to get used to is this heat. In Michigan, I’m used to it being 60 degrees in the morning but here it’s already 90. I'm getting a good tan before I go on summer vacation. 

Growing up, I’ve known the Golden Knights to be a well-respected organization. I can see why. Like tomorrow, we’re going to feed the homeless and I think it's really special that this program does that and gives back to the community. That's something I like to do. I'm looking forward to doing that. Not a lot of teams incorporate charity into their camps like Vegas and it’s really special that they’ve done it every year for the last seven seasons. I’m excited to be with the team and help others together. People help you throughout your entire life and I think it’s really important to give back to people who need it. I want to be a part of an organization that prioritizes giving back to its community.

Not only does this team take care of the community, but it also really takes care of its players. I feel like I’ve gotten so close with Director of Player Development Wil Nichol already, I just feel like he’s looking out for me. He’s so supportive and has such positive things to say about me. I can tell Wil is someone that cares for me both on and off the ice and that’s something I don't take for granted. He not only wants me to be the best player but also the best human which I think is what’s made us connect so quickly.

Watching this team win the Stanley Cup in just six years shows how well-managed it is and how knowledgeable the staff is. That’s something I want to be a part of and that's something I'm excited to be a part of. I’ve had so much fun just getting to know the other guys here, we’re all different ages and from different places. At the NTDP, we’re all Americans so this is my first time having this kind of opportunity to hang out with guys who speak different languages and come from different backgrounds. My roommate is Carl Lindbom who’s from Sweden and he’s such a cool guy, I love living with him. There’s a lot I can learn from these guys.

The scrimmage today was a lot of fun. It was fast paced. I think at first, everyone was a little nervous but eventually, I think we settled in. Trevor Connelly and I played together growing up and when we got to play at World Juniors together, he became one of my best friends. Trevor actually texted me right after I was drafted. and he said he was super excited to play together again. I’m really looking forward to playing together and to keep growing with him.

It's been a great start to the week and I can't wait for what's next!
