The July 2024 Inside Edge Newsletter Giveaway (the “Promotion”) is presented and administered by Seattle Hockey Partners LLC (“SHP”). SHP is located at 10601 5th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125.


The Promotion commences on July 25, 2024 at 10:00am PST and ends August 8, 2024 at 5:00pm PST (the “Promo Period”). Any entry submitted after 5:00pm PST on August 8, 2024, is void.


The Promotion is only open to subscribers of the Seattle Kraken Inside Edge Newsletter (the “Newsletter”). During the Promo Period, any subscriber to the Newsletter (each, a “Subscriber”) who is at least eighteen (18) years old may submit an entry form. To enter, simply follow the instructions given in the monthly Newsletter. Participants must provide all requested information; incomplete or inaccurate entries will not be eligible to win. Entry materials/data that have been tampered with or altered, or mass entries or entries generated by a script, macro or use of automated devices are void. Limit one (1) entry per person.

By participating in the Promotion and/or claiming a Prize (as defined below) should you be selected as a Winner, you certify that (i) you are a Subscriber and entered the Promotion following the link in the Newsletter sent to you as a Subscriber, (ii) are at least eighteen (18) years old, (iii) are a legal resident of either the United States, excluding Puerto Rico, Guam, and all other U.S. territories and possessions, or of Canada, (iv) agree to the terms and conditions of these Official Rules and (v) agree to SHP’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. You further certify that any guest you select to participate in a Prize (a “Guest”) is at least eighteen (18) years old, unless the Winner is the parent and/or legal guardian of the Guest, and in that case the Guest must be at least ten (10) years old. Your eligibility for the Promotion is contingent upon these certifications. No purchase or payment is necessary to enter or win; void where prohibited. Employees, directors, officers, and agents of SHP or Seattle Arena Company, LLC (“SAC”) and each of their respective parent companies, divisions, dealers, affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotional agencies, partners and suppliers involved in the Promotion, as well as the members of each of their immediate families (spouse, parents, children, siblings, and in-laws) and persons residing in the same household as such individuals are not eligible to enter or win.


Three (3) winners (each, a “Winner”) will be randomly selected by random digitization software from among the eligible entries to win. Residents of Canada, in order to win, must first correctly answer a mathematical skill-testing question without the aid of a mechanical device, administered by mail or e-mail at SHP’s sole discretion. The first Winner randomly selected will be awarded one (1) Seattle Kraken Jersey signed by Yanni Gourde (estimated retail value is $300), the second Winner randomly selected will be awarded one (1) hockey puck signed by Yanni Gourde (estimated retail value is $300) and the third Winner randomly selected will be awarded one (1) pennant flag signed by Yanni Gourde (estimated retail value is $300) (each, a “Prize” and collectively, the “Prizes”). Limit one (1) Prize per participant. All other costs and expenses related to any of the Prizes are not covered.

Odds of winning depend on the number of entries received. The Winners may not substitute a cash award in lieu of a Prize and may not substitute any of the Prizes for another. Each Winner is solely responsible for paying any applicable local, state, or federal taxes related to the Promotion, as well as any costs and expenses associated with each Prize. SHP makes no warranty or guarantee regarding any Prize, express or implied, and each Prize is awarded on an “as-is” basis. By participating in the Promotion and accepting any Prize, each participant agrees to abide by all applicable laws as well as all policies in force at SHP, SAC and/or Climate Pledge Arena, as applicable. SHP reserves the right to substitute any Prize for a prize of equal or greater value if the original Prize cannot be honored for any reason. SHP further reserves the right, in their sole discretion, to refuse to honor any Prize if too few entries are received or if the participant or the Guest claiming it is unruly, disruptive, uncooperative, fails to comply with any policies of SHP, SAC and/or Climate Pledge Arena, or may or does cause damage to any person, property, or the reputation of SHP, SAC and/or Climate Pledge Arena. The Prizes, including any additional restrictions, are at SHP’s discretion.


After the Promo Period ends, SHP will randomly select three (3) potential Winners by random digitization software. Potential Winners will be notified by e-mail at the e-mail address provided by such Winner in their entry by no later than 5:00pm PST on August 9, 2024. Participants do not need to be present to win; however, each potential Winner must respond to the notice from SHP and/or its designee in writing to accept and claim their Prize no later than 11:59pm PST on the date that is seven (7) days after SHP sends the notice (the “Response Deadline”). If SHP and/or its designee does not receive written confirmation that the Winner accepts their Prize by the Response Deadline, such Winner forfeits any right to or claim on a Prize, and SHP may, at its discretion, select another Winner in the same manner described above. By claiming or accepting any Prize, the Winner certifies that they agree to the terms and conditions set forth in these Official Rules.

Any Prize that is obtained in contravention of these Official Rules or the local, state, or federal law will be deemed void and will not be honored. Prizes may not be sold or transferred. SHP will determine in their sole discretion whether any Prize has been improperly obtained, presented, or transferred.


Each and every participant and/or Winner hereby represents and warrants that they have read these Official Rules, are fully familiar with their contents, and agree to abide thereby. Each Winner shall be responsible and liable for the actions of any Guest who partakes in their Prize, including any third party to whom a Prize is gifted, sold or transferred. Each participant further agrees to indemnify, defend, discharge, release, forever acquit, and hold SHP, SAC, their affiliated entities (including third-party partners) and each of their respective officers, employees, representatives, agents and contractors harmless against any and all demands, claims, actions, or proceedings of any kind, and from any and all injuries, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses related to or arising out of the participation in the Promotion, any Prize awarded, or any breach or alleged breach of any of the warranties, representations, or agreements of participants hereto. The Winners and any Guests may be required by SHP to execute additional forms, releases, and/or waivers as a prior condition to participating in or accepting a Prize.


By entering the Promotion, you grant SHP, SAC and their subsidiaries, affiliates and third-party transferees and sublicensees (in SHP’s or SAC’s sole discretion), and Promotion partners, a perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable license to use, sublicense, distribute, reproduce, publish, and/or depict your likeness in connection with the Promotion, along with your name (or fictional names or social media handles, as applicable) in all forms and in all media and in all manners by any method or device now known or hereafter devised for any lawful purpose. You acknowledge that you have received good and valuable consideration for these grants and your participation in the Promotion and waive all right of inspection or approval or claim to damages or further compensation with respect to these unqualified grants.


Participants agree to obey all applicable laws and regulations, including any local guidance or mandates related to any pandemic at the time of the any event related to the Promotion or any Prize, and to be bound by these Official Rules. By participating in the Promotion, you fully and unconditionally release SHP and SAC from (1) all claims for liability arising from or related to your participation in the Promotion and (2) all claims related to a participant’s or Guest’s acceptance, receipt, possession, loss, and/or misuse of any entry or Prize.

In the event SHP is unable to continue the Promotion or to honor any Prize due to any event beyond its control, including but not limited to technological errors, fire, flood, natural or man-made epidemic of health or other means, earthquake, explosion, labor dispute or strike, act of God or public enemy, satellite or equipment failure, riot or civil unrest, terrorist threat or act, war (declared or undeclared), or any local, state, or federal law, order, or regulation, then subject to any governmental approval that may be required, SHP reserves the right to modify, suspend, extend, or terminate the Promotion and these Official Rules.


Private or personally identifying information collected in connection with the Promotion may be retained by SHP and SAC, sold, shared with business partners and/or affiliates, and/or used for marketing purposes. By participating in the Promotion, you consent to SHP and SAC’s collection and use of your personal information as described in our privacy policy available here:


The Promotion and these Official Rules are governed by the laws of the United States and the State of Washington. As a condition of participating in the Promotion, participants agree that any and all disputes that cannot be resolved between the parties and causes of action arising out of or connected with the Promotion, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, by final and binding arbitration administered by JAMS and conducted in Seattle, Washington before a sole arbitrator in accordance with the rules of JAMS.

Residents of the Province of Quebec: Any litigation respecting the conduct or organization of a publicity contest may be submitted to the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux for a ruling. Any litigation respecting the awarding of a prize may be submitted to the board only for the purpose of helping the parties reach a settlement.

Please direct questions regarding the Promotion or requests for a list of winners to Seattle Hockey Partners LLC, Attn: Legal (Inside Edge Newsletter Giveaway – July 2024), 10601 5th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125 or [email protected].