* For head coaches, each FINE issued to a player on his club counts toward his total. Four FINES issued to one player or a club collectively results in the head coach receiving his first fine.
Citations are issued by the National Hockey League Hockey Operations Department, which tracks all games, logs all penalties for diving or embellishment, and flags all plays not called on the ice that in its opinion were deserving of such a penalty. A Citation is issued once Hockey Operations, through its internal deliberations, is convinced that a player warrants sanction.
Hamilton was issued a Warning following an incident flagged by NHL Hockey Operations during NHL Game No. 193 at Edmonton on Nov. 4. His second Citation, which triggered the $2,000 fine, was issued for an incident at 9:12 of the second period during NHL Game No. 545 vs. NY Rangers on Dec. 23. Hamilton and Rangers forward Brett Berard were assessed minor penalties on the play.
The money goes to the Players’ Emergency Assistance Fund.