Nazem Kadri baby split

Meet the newest little Toronto Maple Leafs fan: Kadri Lee Amey.

We know what you are thinking and yes, the little bundle of joy was indeed named after Leafs center Nazem Kadri. In fact, that's kind of a theme for the family.

While Kadri Lee was born to parents Misty and Dave on Thursday morning at 4:45 AM, weighing in at 8 pounds, 5 ounces, she's only the latest member of the Kingston, Ontario clan to be named after a Leafs player.
She has four older siblings at home: Justice Tucker, 11, Angel McCabe, 10, Domi, 9 and Colton Orr Amey, 5. If you're scoring at home, those names are after Darcy Tucker, Brian McCabe, Tie Domi and Colton Orr, respectively.
"The name idea was all (Dave's)," said Misty Amey. "He's been a fan of the Leafs since 1989-90, when he was old enough to turn on the TV to Hockey Night in Canada."
As for the baby's namesake, Nazem Kadri, he Retweeted the pic of the newborn Kadri Lee along with his best wishes.

"My husband loved the fact that Kadri had even seen the tweet, let alone retweeted it," said Misty.