
Hey Panthers fans,

It was huge to keep our momentum with that win in Columbus.

This is the longest road trip of the year for us, so to get a win on the first stop is big. We played a pretty solid game against the Blue Jackets, so we just want to build off that, roll with that and be ready to go tomorrow against the Kraken.

It’s been a few seasons, but it’s still cool coming to Seattle. It kind of makes you feel like you’re new to the league again when you’re in a city that you’re not too familiar with. It’s always pretty cool to get to explore new cities like this. It’s something that I really enjoy.

For a trip like this, you’ve got to pack a lot more warm-weather clothes since we’re going up to Canada. The suitcase is definitely a little more stuffed, but it’s great getting to do a trip like this. On long road trips, you really get to bond as a group. 

As a group, we don’t really plan much in advance. We’re all pretty last-second guys when it comes to planning. A couple times when you go to a city you think about places you want to go, but for the most part we usually see where days take us.

It’s been a great start to the season. We had a couple key injures early, but the guys stepped up and played unbelievable. Now we’ve got pretty much everyone healthy. We’re a confident group that knows our game now. We know the way to play.

All the new guys have also been really awesome. They all bring some new energy to the team. It’s been great getting to know them. They’ve all fit in really well with this group. On long trips like this, it's a chance to get to know them all even more.

Regardless of where we’re at now, we know this is going to be a tight race right until the very end of the season.

We know that getting wins and points right now is crucial, but it’s even more important to play the right way and play the type of hockey we need to play to have success.

See you back in South Florida,

Sam Bennett

*As told to’s Jameson Olive