Mailbag Monday

It's Family day here in Ontario so hopefully you're all hanging out and having fun before gathering around to watch the Sens take on Tampa tonight. Before then how about I answer some of your questions about all things Sens...and sandwiches?

Gary T. from Ottawa, ON

After losing to the Ducks and Blackhawks do you think the Sens have a chance against the Lightning or Panthers?

I fully understand the sky is falling narrative that comes from losing to bottom dwelling teams. That said I fully believe that the Sens can beat either or both of the Florida teams on this road trip. Some nights you can see with this group that they're caught playing on their heels and play to their competition and that's exactly what happened against the Ducks. The game against the Blackhawks is probably one the Sens actually deserved to win, a couple of bad breaks in transition leading to Grade A chances for the Blackhawks plus coming up against Mrazek standing on his head was the difference. The Sens have already beaten Tampa once this season and the budding rivalry between them and Florida will likely bring a fiery contest tomorrow as well. Long story short yes, I do think they can beat these teams.

Ed H. from Auburn, NY

In your opinion, how much slicing and dicing will be happening to the Sens roster from now to the trade deadline?

Much like everyone else I wish I knew exactly what moves were coming down the pipeline. One thing I can say with certainty is that Steve Staios has shown us in his brief tenure as GM that he is not going to rush any decisions. It's also worth noting that the Sens have been playing much better hockey lately now that they seem to be settling in under Jacques Martin so the need for a swing for the fences move doesn't seem as necessary now as it may have seemed a couple of months ago.

I'm sure there will be some movement prior to the deadline however I would not be surprised if it's only a small move here or there, something akin to last season's trade for Patrick Brown. Steve is trying to build something special here and won't make any rash moves. I would expect to see more substantial moves in the offseason when there isn't a time crunch and draft decisions come into play.

Avery B.M. from Ottawa, ON

What was your favourite moment from this past season?

I think the easy answer here would be Tim batting in the OT winner in Sweden because that was one of the most incredible things I've seen in a long time, still a front runner for goal of the year in my books. That in mind I'm going to go with Pinto's goal against Philadelphia just because of the significance of it. His second game back, on the moms' trip, after all he dealt with this year it was hard not to be excited in the moment. 

Alicia T. from Burnaby, B.C.

I just watched Brady mic'd up at the all-star game and he was hilarious. You see all the things he does with kids and it's awesome but he can be a pest on the ice. My question is, is he as nice as he looks in the videos you put out off the ice or is it for the camera? And why can't he be like that on the ice?

First, glad you liked the mic'd up, Brady is comedic gold. I'll try to keep my answer as brief as I can because I could talk for a while on this one. Brady never ceases to amaze anyone in our organization with the time that he has for people but especially for kids. The best example I can give is at Kraft Hockeyville in Sydney, NS this year Brady arrived on the early bus, walked all the way down the right hand side of the red carpet signing every autograph and taking every picture that was asked. When he got to the end and most people had gone inside he went right back to the back of the line and did the exact same thing on the left hand side of the red carpet. No one asked him to do that but that's just who he is and just one of 1000 examples I have seen in my time here.

As for why he isn't like that on the ice? He wears his heart on his sleeve and his fiery level of competition gets the whole group fired up. There's a reason he's the captain of this team, he leads by example on and off the ice and when he's on it he's going to do whatever it takes to try to get the Sens a win. I've heard on more than a few occasion's people say they would run through a brick wall for that man.

Bucky G. from York, PA

Did you know claude has never lost a game i’ve attended? just saying

I can safely say I did not know this but with this newfound knowledge I firmly believe you should be coming to more Sens games. P.S. is this Bucky, President of the Giroux fan club I have the honour of answering??

James F. from Halifax, NS

Is a hotdog a sandwich?

Not remotely Sens or even hockey related but I had to answer this one. A hotdog is not a sandwich, it's a taco.

I'll keep if brief today given it's a game day but I'll be back next week answering more of your questions! Submit your questions here.