Heros Ridge Jan

Every Ottawa Senators’ home game, the Senators partner with Lépine Apartments to pay homage to the brave men and women who serve our country. The tradition of Hero’s Ridge dates to 2015 and sees a Canadian Armed Forces veteran and their family enjoy a game from the Hero’s Ridge suite. Since its inauguration, Hero’s Ridge has honoured over 350 veterans. It is with the help of the Royal Canadian Legion that this program is possible, as the Legion gives families the opportunity to nominate their loved ones to be honoured.

This season’s honourees for the month of January can be found below.

Richard Pelletier - January 30, 2025

Chief Warrant Officer (Retired) Richard Pelletier joined the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in January 1969. As a Military Support Equipment Operator (MSE OP), Richard played a crucial role in ensuring the efficient transport of personnel and resources, both domestically and internationally. Richard was deployed in the Golan Heights as part of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF), where he supported peacekeeping efforts in the region. Richard retired from Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) in April 2007 after dedicating nearly four decades serving Canada.

Denis Lachance - January 9, 2025

Denis Lachance joined the Canadian Armed forces in October of 1980 as an Administrative Clerk starting a career which saw him serve in many bases in Quebec, Ontario, and Manitoba. He spent four years Belgium at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Power Europe (SHAPE) His other overseas deployments included the Golan Heights as an Operations Clerk (1987), in Baghdad Iraq as Assistant Chief Clerk (end of Iran/Iraq War) (1988) and the Operations Clerk (Gulf war) (1990-1991). During his career Denis also was an instructor and teacher at the Air Command Academy. Denis retired in September 2021 with the rank of Sergeant after serving Canada for 31 years.

Paul Heath - January 12, 2025

Paul Heath joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1969 at age 17 as part of the Communications trade. During his long career in the Signals Paul served on bases across Canada from Newfoundland, Nova Scotia. New Brunswick, PEI, Ontario and British Columbia. He also spent four years in Virginia USA. He was deployed twice, once to Egypt for six months and another six-month tour in the Golan Heights. Paul was also a training adviser to a Reserve Unit when he was in PEI. His last posting was in Borden. It was from there he retired in 2007 after 38 years serving our country.

Brian Akitt - January 16, 2025

Colonel (retired) Brian Akitt enrolled as an officer cadet in August 1970. His flying assignments were as a navigator flying the CH 124 Sea King helicopter from on board HMC Ships Protecteur, Iroquois, Ottawa, Magaraee, Skeena and Athabaskan. In 2002 during Operation Iraqi Freedom, he served as the Commanding Officer in Sinai Egypt. Brian was part of the SWISSAIR recovery action and the Canadian National Military Representative to the NATO Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE), Mons, Belgium. In 2004, Colonel Brian Akitt retired from the Royal Canadian Air Force after 34 years of service to Canada.

Claude Theriault - January 18, 2025

Claude Theriault enrolled into the Canadian Armed Forces August 1970. He started as a driver then was trained in Communications, Electronic Engineering. As a member of the 12 RBC Signals Troop, he deployed with the United Nations Emergency Force Middle East. and served two tours in Germany. After serving as instructor at school of communications at CFB Kingston Claude decided to switch gears and get involved in the medical field of Dentistry with the 28 Medical Field Ambulance Reserve Force, He retired in 2004 with 34 years of service.

Kent McLaughlin - January 25, 2025

Kent McLaughlin joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1981 After he was trained as a Supply Tech, Kent served in bases across Canada in Alberta, New Brunswick, Ontario and Goose Bay, Labrador. In 1996 he deployed as a peacekeeper with a United Nations tour in Israel. Wherever Kent was he issued clothing, rations, ammunition, vehicles, vehicle parts, stationary, fuels and oils, and any other possible thing you could think of. His final posting was with the recruiting office. Kent Mclaughlin retired in 2001 after serving our country for 20 years.

Rob Macgregor - January 26, 2025

Rob Macgregor enrolled into the Reserve Forces August 1989, then changed over to the Reg Force. as a member of the Royal Canadian Regiment (RCR) where he served with all three battalions of RCR during his career. Rob completed numerous tours of duty including Bosnia twice, Haiti, Africa and multiple tours to Afghanistan. Rob has instructed at all levels from basic training, Infantry Battle School, and within the Bn. in addition he was part of the National Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) Response Team. After 29 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Royal Canadian Regiment, Sgt Robert MacGregor retired in August 2017.

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