
We've always known that teachers are amazing, but the current pandemic has emphasized just how amazing they are! So in honor of May being Teacher Appreciation Month, we wanted to spotlight some of the incredible teachers that participate in Reading is Cool presented by Druva.

Hannah Johnson

School: Don Callejon School
Grade: 5th
Number of years in Reading Is Cool: 6
Favorite Book:Charlotte's Web
Favorite Subject: History
Favorite Sharks Player: "Marleau - He was a great team person, family man, and good hockey player."
How have you kept busy during the quarantine: "Hiking and biking with my husband and 4 daughters."
If I weren't a teacher, I would be a...: "Travel doctor overseas, or teaching for the Dept. of Defense in another country"

Cathy Ho

School: D. J. Sedgwick Elementary
Grade: 5th
Number of years in Reading Is Cool: 5
Favorite Book:Harry Potter books
Favorite Subject: "I love to teach science!"
Favorite Sharks Player: "My favorite Sharks player is Logan Couture because he loves to read! His book club reviews are fun to read!"
How have you kept busy during the quarantine: "I have been keeping busy by exercising more, trying out new recipes in the kitchen, taking walks around the neighborhood, building puzzles, reading more books, and watching Netflix shows."
If I weren't a teacher, I would be a...: "If I weren't a teacher, I would be a writer. I would love to write children's books!"

Sandy Hillesland

School: P A Walsh STEAM Academy
Grade: 2nd
Number of years in Reading Is Cool: 5
Favorite Book:One by Katheryn Otoshi
Favorite Subject: Reading
Favorite Sharks Player: "Logan Couture because he's an all around player. He's the heart of the team and keeps all of the players motivated to be their best!"
How have you kept busy during the quarantine: "Been baking a lot (especially banana bread!). It's been nice to hang out with family, but I miss my students so much! Our Zoom meetings are nice, but I'd rather be teaching them in person. I miss their personalities and just being in the classroom daily. Can't wait until we all return! I've written them all a few letters already so they know they are missed dearly."
If I weren't a teacher, I would be a...: "Healthcare provider. I want to be able to help others in their time of need."

Divya Mishra

School: Evergreen Elementary
Grade: 5th
Number of years in Reading Is Cool: 4
Favorite Book:The Day The Mustache Took Over
Favorite Subject: Math
Favorite Sharks Player: "All, I like to watch the game without sticking to a specific player."
How have you kept busy during the quarantine: "Trying new recipes, keeping up with self training for the 5K run as a coach for 'Girls On The Run', finding fun projects to keep my students interested and engaged, keeping in touch with friends/family, and making sure my own children are completing their assignments for school."
If I weren't a teacher, I would be a...: "Full-time marathon runner!"

Aly G

School: Glen View Elementary
Grade: 3rd
Number of years in Reading Is Cool: 2
Favorite Book:Where the Wild Things Are
Favorite Subject: "My favorite subject to teach is art."
Favorite Sharks Player: "Brent Burns is my favorite player because he is a beast on the ice and I love that he is always smiling, even without teeth! Keep smilin' dude."
How have you kept busy during the quarantine: "Currently, I'm keeping busy by teaching students remotely from home. I'm also taking this time to learn to cook new recipes and starting to exercise more!"
If I weren't a teacher, I would be a...: "An astronaut, like Sally Ride!"