SAN JOSE - Students at Selma Olinder Elementary were delighted today when San Jose Sharks players Chris Tierney and Joel Ward helped them try on their brand new glasses. The glasses were provided by non-profit Vision To Learn, which kicked-off its third year serving students in Santa Clara County by providing free glasses to 47 students from kindergarten through fifth grade at Olinder. Tierney, Ward and Sharks Chief Operating Officer John Tortora joined Vision To Learn Founder Austin Beutner along with representatives from Kaiser Permanente South Bay and San Jose Unified School District (SJUSD) to celebrate the project's success to-date and service to come in the new year. The children were also presented with complimentary tickets to the Sharks preseason home game on October 5.
In the coming school year, the new partnership between the Sharks Foundation, Kaiser Permanente South Bay and Vision To Learn will help nearly 1,000 students in Santa Clara County get glasses, including more than 600 in San Jose Unified School District. The success of this project has been assisted by a close collaboration between Vision To Learn and SJUSD.
Sharks Distribute Free Glasses to Elementary Students
Sharks Foundation Dedicates $20k to Vision To Learn Free Eyeglasses Program with Partner Kaiser Permanente