
Making their list.

And checking it twice.

With an abundance of capital at next month’s NHL Draft in Las Vegas, Flames management is taking time to get their strategy in order, in order to capitalize on a talented Class of 2024.

After three days of meetings this week at the Scotiabank Saddledome, the group has a clearer picture of how the Draft could unfold, and a shopping list that would rival that of any youngster poring over pages in the Wishbook once upon a time.

Calgary has eight picks over the first four rounds of this year’s Draft, including a pair of first-rounders.

Director of amateur scouting Tod Button figures those two selections will help the Flames hit the ground - or Draft floor - running.

“At number nine, we’re going to get a really good player, a top player, there’s no question about that,” he said Wednesday during a break in the meeting schedule. “I think we came into the year not knowing as much about this draft, maybe, or the quality of it, and I think a lot of players have stepped up, they’ve improved during the year.

“At the start, I might have told you maybe it’s just an average Draft, I think it’s a really good Draft, that’s why I think our group is really excited about not just the ninth-overall pick, but all the other picks we’re going to get in the two days we’re there.”

For Button and his scouts, the meetings offer the opportunity to get together after a long season of travel.

Each scout has their area of expertise, from Western Canada, to Quebec, to Europe and everywhere in-between.

But the get-together provides everyone the opportunity to reach a consensus, even if it means putting personal preferences aside.

“We can’t do it any other way except to rank them, like you’ve got to have an order, one guy ahead of the other,” Button said. “There’s a little bit of battling going on in there, but it’s productive.

“It’s really important that we get the list right, so that we get to the table and (General Manager Craig Conroy) has a really good idea of what we’re going to do.”

Tod Button chats about the upcoming NHL Draft

Next up for Conroy, Button and the Flames hockey operations brass, the NHL Combine in Buffalo June 2-8, where teams will get the chance to interview Draft-eligible players, as well as watch them be put through the paces in rigorous fitness testing sessions.

It’s the first chance for everyone in the room to acquaint themselves with the talent available for selection at the Sphere in Las Vegas June 28-29.

“We’ve done all our interviews so far by the area scouts, but now we get a chance, especially with management and Matt Brown, our mental performance coach, to sit down with some of these players face-to-face and not only get to know ‘em, but just to tell them what we’re about as well,” said Button. “It’s to let them know what the Flames are about, and if we draft them, what they’re going to get.

“The physical part is really important, too, when we bring in our strength and conditioning guys to watch the physical testing.”

For Button, there’s a real sense of anticipation that this year’s Draft could bear fruit for the Flames.

This week’s meetings have left his group 90 to 95% done with their pre-Draft preparation, a year’s worth of hard work that will result in a new crop of NHL hopefuls pulling on the Calgary sweater for the first time at the end of next month.

“Every year we’re excited, so even when you don’t have picks you’re still excited, this is what we do every day during the season to get to this point, so you’re always excited,” Button said of the lead-up to the Draft.

“Obviously having a top-10 pick and then not only a late first, wherever that ends up being, we’ve got the seconds and the thirds too, so our group is really excited about having a lot of shots at this Draft.”