
"It's another big game. We have to play our game. I thought we played pretty solid in Seattle. It was a big win for us. Went into the third, tie game, close game against a division rival and (to) find a way to win that, it was a big win for us. So, we've got to carry over that. Tonight, we need a good start. Last time Vancouver came, we didn't have a good start - they were up 2-0."

"I thought he played really well. I thought he had a lot of jump, had some looks. He's a really good player. We all know talking to him, he loves to score goals and wants to score more, but it's going to come. He's such a good player and such a good goal-scorer. But yeah, last game was a really good game from him and we're hoping - and I know - he wants to keep that trend going. I always enjoy playing with him, I always thought we had really good chemistry together. Hopefully he can have a really good second half here and finish off the year with a good game."
"I think it's just always a process when you bring in new players and especially with the changes we made, some big pieces moved out and moved in, so you can tell the guys are starting looking more and more comfortable. I think Huby, Naz and Looch had a strong road trip and have been playing well the last couple games, too, so those are two guys that are new, so they seem to have some good chemistry there and something they can build on. I think Weegsy's looked really good as of late and feel like he's starting to come into his own."
"It's something we've talked about all year - and really, ever since the day Darryl got here. If you want to make the playoffs, you need to be at the top of the league in that. We talk about it every day and work (on) it every day, that we want to be one of the best teams in the league in goals against. And at the same time, if you play the right way and play a tight-checking game, you're going to get opportunities and that's the way we need to play and the way we're going to generate looks, too."
Video: "It's another big game"
"We had some good moments in Seattle. Obviously, I thought we played well against Edmonton, too, just didn't get the result. So, we've just got to keep building. Had a good practice yesterday, so keep building, have a good start. They've been a good road team lately, so it's important to have a good start."
"I think we're just more dialled in. Doing the little things better and be more aware in the d-zone. Still, there's things we can clean up. Seattle had a couple breakaways and stuff like that, but I think just more dialled in."
Video: "I think we're just more dialled in"
"We've had a good month. I think it's been a really busy schedule, so hopefully we can finish it off with a win tonight."
"They've been good lately. But again, it's hot and cold. The misconception with Jonathan is that everybody says he played with (Aleksander) Barkov. Well, he didn't. He played with - the best year of his career last year - he played with (Anthony) Duclair and (Sam) Bennett. So, maybe the two guys he's playing with are closer to that right now. I don't know. His game is trending (up), which is a good thing."
Video: "We had a good month"
"We had a late shift again getting back here [from Seattle on Wednesday]. For the guys who travel with us, it's not just the games. There's a little bit more going on. We're lucky to get a day off tomorrow and then we go to Winnipeg. If you look at it ... we've had a lot of division games and this is the last for a while. And now, we go into the Central. We go to Winnipeg and then we come home and have one against the Islanders, I think, and then we go five in the Central. ... It's a different type of division we're going into."