
Huberdeau on missing Tuesday night's third period:

"As a player, you want to be out there, to help your team; at the end of the day, yeah I sat on the bench, it’s 20 minutes of my career. Just got to move on, we got a win, that’s all that matters."

On moving on, and his conversation with Huska:

"You don’t want to be sitting on the bench, you see your guys working hard on the ice. It wasn’t easy, I’m not going to lie, but it was a coaching decision and we move on from that, me and Husk talked it out; there’s no pointing fingers, you’ve got to look in the mirror. I’ve got to be a better player, I know I’ve got it in me, I believe in myself, I’ve just got to show it."

"It's on me to be better"

Weegar on Huberdeau's character:

"He’s just a stand-up guy, he’s a professional, he’s got a lot of character. He handled it like a true pro. When times are tough, I’ve spoken about this before, it’s been a tough stretch for a little bit with the team, but we pick each other up in here. We’re a family, we’re a group of guys, we see each other every day. I’ve got nothing but so much love for Huby, when he’s going through a tough time, a tough game like that, you’ve got good support and I’m here for him."

On Huberdeau's drive as a professional:

"I don’t think there’s anybody that’s harder on himself than Jonny, I know that he wants to be the best player that he can be, maybe he’s putting a little bit too much pressure on himself. I know he wants to be the player that he once was, and I know he’ll get there. I know he’s going through a tough time right now, but these times will make you better, they’ll make you stronger; when that time comes, he’s just got to excel, and take off with it."

"We pick each other up in here"

Mangiapane on last night's win:

"It was a good win for our team, Nashville’s a good team, they’re playing good hockey. It was a big two points, I liked what we saw from our guys, the willingness to stay with it. We were down early 2-0, but guys battled back, did what they needed to do to get the win."

"I liked what I saw from our guys"

Huska on Huberdeau and the importance of hard work:

"A lot of it is just, eyebrows down, and get to work. He’s a really good hockey player, and everybody goes through a stretch like he went through last night at some point. We all heard the story of Tampa, they sat their whole top line out one period, it happens. You’re not at your very best every day, it’s how you respond to that is really what matters, and that’s what’s coming next."

On what Kadri has brought out in his new linemates:

"I think Naz has brought some confidence to Sharangovich; I think the increased ice time that Sharan has gotten as a result of playing with Naz has made him feel better about himself, for sure. With Connor, in particular, there’s a young guy that needs a lot of guidance, and I think that’s one of the things that he’s drawn out of Naz is a responsibility of being a leader, and helping someone along. It doesn’t mean that you’re going to just pat him on the back ‘it’s ok,’ he’s challenging him in the right way, and that’s what I really like about where Naz is at right now."

"Today's a different day now and we move on"