
Huska on putting forth a total team effort tonight:

"The approach for us is to make sure we’re committed to playing the right way for 60 minutes. You always want to end the road trip on a good note, so that means we need everybody that’s dressing tonight to bring their very best. Looking forward to it; we’ve had a couple days off and we should have a lot of energy, and we should be ready to go."

On what constitutes success for his group:

"For us, it’s making sure you’re putting your teammates in a good position, so that’s how you take care of the puck, it’s whether you’re working above it or you’re cheating, it’s really playing simple hockey is what it comes down to. At the end of the day, you’re willing to outwork someone to get that puck, and that’s what it has to be for us."

“You always want to end the road trip on a good note”

Coleman on the recent run of games:

"It’s definitely been a lot better, I think the effort’s been there. We just gotta capitalize on a few more chances and avoid some of those lapses defensively. I think there’s confidence growing in individuals in this group, which is leading to a little more team confidence."

On the importance of a good start:

"The more you touch the puck early in the game, the more chances you get, the better you feel as it goes. I thought we had a great start in Ottawa, just had missed opportunities. We score on a couple of those, it’s a completely different game, and a different storyline that we’re talking about right now."

“We’ve just got to capitalize on a few more chances.”

Mangiapane on tonight's contest in Montreal:

"This is a big game for us, to carry momentum back home. I think the key is just to come out, have a good start; we had a couple days off, good practice day, we’ve just got to come ready to play and be prepared."

On focusing on what the team has done well recently:

"You’ve got to take the positives (from) how we’ve been playing the last three out of four games, you’ve kind of got to build off that, right? We had one bad one here, but put that aside and just keep building and giving more. I think we’ve got a good team in here; we’re building and we’re trending in the right direction."

“We’ve just got to come ready to play"