
Huberdeau on tonight's matchup:

"It’s a big game. Any day, it’s a rivalry, but especially, you know, Saturday night, it’s a big matchup. We know they’re rolling and we’ve got to stop them. I think we’ve been playing well, a little hiccup last game, but now we get back, and a big game for us. We just gotta prepare ourselves today, and be ready to go."

On the jockeying for position in the Wild Card race:

"It’s up for grabs, if you go on a nice streak, you can get right back in it. We’re really close, like I said, it’s important and obviously it starts tonight, and we focus, but until the break, a few games at home, so if we take advantage of that, we’ll be in a better spot."

"It’s a big game ... it's a big matchup"

Klapka on making his NHL debut in the Battle of Alberta:

"It’s amazing, probably couldn’t be (a) better first game that you can play, I’m excited that I can play my first game against Edmonton."

On his parents arriving in Calgary in time for tonight's game:

"They live in Prague, they booked a flight right away (when) I got called up. They risk it because, you know, you can see your son once, playing his first NHL game. They took the plane right after I got called up so they are here, I appreciate it."

"They took the plane right after I got called up"

Coronato on being recalled from the AHL:

"It means a lot, I definitely want to take advantage of it, help the team any way I can. It means a tonne."

On the little things he's done in the AHL to grow his game:

"I think it’s a lot of watching video, making sure I’m in the right spots, that’s been important. Coach Trent Cull with the Wranglers has been awesome with me on that, he’s been a great teacher, so I think I’ve learned a good amount over that time."

"I definitely want to take advantage of it"

Huska on what Klapka brings to the lineup:

"I think for us, it’s a bigger man that’s going to move up and down his wing. For his size, he skates really well, so it’s going to be important that he’s good with his stick, he’s hard on the forecheck, and he’s responsible for his minutes that he’s on the ice. The one thing that he does have, too, is a sneaky skill set; I’m assuming tonight, you won’t see a lot of that because he’ll keep his game very simple, which is something that is a good thing for a young guy getting his first taste. It’s more about being a harder guy to play against, and using his size to his advantage."

On the energy ahead of tonight's game:

"It’s Edmonton - Calgary; whether it’s exhibition or not, there’s always extra motivation, always extra juice. So the players know that, it’s just making sure they’re managing their day the right way, and that they’re prepared to play when the puck drops."

"There’s always extra motivation, always extra juice"

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