
Tanev on building off of Saturday's win:

"Taking the detail that we played with in Seattle and bringing that forward tonight, it’s a huge thing for us. We did a lot of good things last game, played with really good structure; our effort matched our detail level."

On keys to tonight's matchup with Nashville:

"First five minutes need to be how we played 60 minutes in Seattle. We need to get pucks behind them, we know, obviously, they have active D and one of the best D in the league along with some fast and skilled forwards; we need to play behind them, and make them come 200 feet."

"Our effort matched our detail level"

Kadri on finding offensive success recently:

"You know, I’ve liked my game, I’ve liked where I was headed, I knew if I just tried to push through, good times would be on the other side. It’s been going good the last handful of games, but we want to push that, and continue that."

On conversations with young players like Zary and Pospisil:

"Just trying to be positive, you know, I want them to be fearless out there, but be responsible at the same time. That takes a little time to learn, in the NHL, is to know time, places, score, to make plays. I’m just trying to encourage these guys, because I know they’ve got the skill set."

"I liked my game, liked where I was headed"

Ruzicka on how he'll help the Flames in his return to the lineup:

"We played a lot faster in the last two games, I think we’re going to keep doing that. I’m a pretty fast player, so I think I’m going to help this team be even faster."

On moving to centre tonight:

"It’s a little different kind of job, so I’m going to adjust to that. (I’ve) got to get some help from the coaches to get to know the system a little better, but I’ve played centre my whole life, so I don’t think it should be an issue."

"Just pick up where I left off"

Greer on his first month as a Flame:

"I'm happy with my game and I'm happy with what I've been bringing. I've contributed to this team. I've been put in situations to see how I react to them. I got some penalty kill time and was really happy with that, I thought I did well with that. I've been producing offensively. I have certain goals in mind when I start the season and I try not to think about it too much when it starts, but it's nice to get on the scoresheet and build from that. I've found some really nice chemistry with Walker and we have good enough players at the centre position where they can complement us wingers and do the job for us. I'm excited, especially tonight to play with Rosy in his first game back." Read more

Huska on the challenges presented by the Predators:

"Their back end, very active, is one thing for us, and this year, they’re not giving up a lot, so they’re very stingy. You have to be prepared to stay with a certain game plan, and make sure you’re committed to doing it for 60 minutes, 60-plus if you have to."

On Dube getting a look alongside Huberdeau and Lindholm:

"He’s got some pace to his game for sure, and I thought after he missed his recent game, he came back in Seattle and he played more to who he is. He was a harder, hungrier player and he’s got some pace that can push people back on that line. We have other people that we feel could play in there, Mang is a guy that’s starting to grab a hold of that role, but this is an opportunity for Dillon, and that’s what it’s all about."

"Today is the most important day"

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