**Born in:** Slovakia**Born:**November 12, 2004**Number he wore with Vancouver Giants:** 29**Quick start:** Put up 13 points in his first 13 WHL games**Silver Lining:** Finished second in team scoring with Giants (56 pts.)**His pre-Game Meal:** Chicken and rice**Favorite hockey memory:** Winning fastest skater when I was younger**Player he would go back in time and play with?** Jaromir Jágr**When he's not playing hockey he's:** Sleeping**His pregame hype song?***Live the night*- W&W, Hardwell & Lil Lion**Something fans would be surprised to know about him?** I love shopping for clothes**His last Halloween costume?** Cowboy**His hidden talent?**Building Lego**Favourite movie and how many times he's watched it?***Transformers* - 10 times**Favourite social media app:** Instagram**Favourite athlete to follow on social media:** Cristiano Ronaldo