20230514 - 514 Day - 2

MONTREAL - Montrealers love a reason to celebrate.

The city's 24 Stanley Cups and lineup of world-class festivals are proof enough of that.

And while there's no lack of good vibes in Montreal during the summer, we thought we'd add another reason to the list with "514 Day". Since 2018, the canadiens.com crew have been using May 14 (5/14, like the area code) as an excuse to spread a little love for the city we call home.

This year the players got into the mix too, sharing their takes on what makes Montreal such a unique market in the NHL.

Paul Byron:
"The culture, the people and the language are elements that my family and I love a lot, and it's really different from other Canadian cities. The cuture is very inclusive, which it's really nice to see... and the food and restaurants are the best in the world. Montreal is my favorite city."

Jordan Harris:
"All the history... The history around sports and around the town. I live in the Old Port, so getting to see some of the buildings' architecture, how diverse the city is, the great artwork, great food, great sports, like I said, and great weather."

Nick Suzuki:
"I think my favorite thing is the history around the city and driving through all the different areas like the Old Port and downtown, Westmount and Nuns Island. I also like to walk around, especially in the Old Port. Just the age of the buildings and the architecture is really cool, and it makes you feel like you're in Europe a little bit."

Joel Edmundson:
"My favortite thing about Montreal is just being able to roam around the streets. I live down in the Old Port so just being able to walk around in the Old Port and seeing the history of the city is one of my favorite things. When it's nice out, I can go to a patio in the Old Port, there's also great coffee shops, and obviously the city is known for having great food. You know, coming from other teams, we always looked forward to coming to Montreal for the food and just the great energy around the whole city."

Kirby Dach:
"My favorite thing about Montreal is probably the restaurants and food scene. I love them all. Parma, Grinder, Makro, a couple of other ones in the Old Port too, but those are a secret."

Speaking of favorite restaurants, Kaiden Guhle also noted Grinder and RYU were atop his list, while Jake Allen deferred to Joe Beef. We don't know about you, but this is making us hungry!

And while Youppi! can't talk, it's pretty clear the orange mascot loves the city too, regardless of which team he's repping.


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