The holder of the ticket containing the winning raffle number for the 50/50 Raffle will have until 4:00 PM MST 4 business days from the time of the announcement of the winning jackpot raffle number for the 50/50 Raffle to present the ticket containing the winning raffle number to the Foundation. The holder of the ticket containing the winning raffle number for Early Bird Prizes will also have until 4:00 PM MST 4 business days from the time of the announcement of the winning jackpot raffle number for the 50/50 Raffle to present the ticket containing the winning raffle number to the Foundation. If the winner has not come forward within 2 business days from the time of the announcement of the winning raffle number for the 50/50 Raffle, the Foundation will use the email and/or phone number if provided by the ticket purchaser to try to contact them.
The holder of the winning ticket may claim their prize by contacting the 50/50 office at and forwarding their purchase email and a copy of their government-issued photo identification and address or present their purchased ticket to the Foundation. The name on the government-issued photo identification must match the name that was used to purchase the ticket. Each prize claimant must provide the EOCF with all information required by provincial gaming regulations to claim a prize.
The prize claimant will be required to sign a declaration and release which must be executed and returned to the EOCF no later than five (5) business days after his/her receipt of the release. The winner's name will be publicized on the list of prize winners located at, as well as on corresponding social media channels. All prizes will be awarded to the winners via cheque within sixty (60) days of the winner delivering the winning raffle ticket, executed release, and all other required documents to the EOCF.
All Prizes not claimed on or before the Prize Claim Expiry Date (4:00 PM MST, 4 business days from the time of the announcement of the winning raffle number), will be added to one or more jackpots at the discretion of the Foundation, with AGLC approval. This means that any unclaimed Prizes will be redistributed by adding the amount to the Raffle of the designated 50/50 Raffle Event. If the winner of an Early Bird Prize does not contact the Foundation by the Prize Claim Expiry Date, the Early Bird Prize will be forfeited.
Questions or concerns regarding the 50/50 program should be addressed to the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation at