Jack Drury, who developed into a full-time NHLer for the first time in his young career this season...
“Playing for this staff is a privilege. I consider myself so lucky that I get to play for them and with this group of guys... The character and culture, [the coaches are the] hardest working guys here. It makes it easy as a player to work hard and follow that lead when you know the coaches and the whole staff are working equally as hard if not harder every day.”
Andrei Svechnikov, a player who constantly shares how much he appreciates the fact that Brind'Amour doesn't make him change the type of player he is...
“I am very excited for Rod. Obviously, he’s been huge for me. He’s the coach who gave me a chance to play in this league. I love working with him and I can’t wait for more.”
Captain Jordan Staal, short, sweet, and to the point, as Brind'Amour probably prefers...
“The guys know what Roddy’s all about, what he obviously means to the organization and really just the person he is."