12.20.23 Drury Mailbag

RALEIGH, NC. - The last month has probably been the best of Jack Drury's young NHL career.

Settling into his role as a lineup mainstay and producing a career-long five-game point streak earlier in December, the 23-year-old is enjoying the success.

He sat down with us this week to answer the questions you all were kind enough to send in via X.

Canes mailbags are powered by Segra.

(Please note that some questions have been edited for clarity.)

What has motivated him this season and what has he implemented to improve his game? - @bethmysoul

Just building confidence.  I've done a lot of work since I've been here with the coaches.  They've helped me get comfortable.

I've worked a lot with JD (Assistant Coach Jeff Daniels) after practices.  Playing with good players helps too.  I've been fortunate to play with a bunch of different guys and whoever I'm with is a top-tier player.  That certainly helps a lot.

Was Jack able to finish his psychology degree this past summer as planned? Any plans for his degree post-NHL? - @officeninjacat

I did finish my degree this summer.

I'm not sure about how I'll use it after my playing career just yet.  I told myself that I needed to focus on just getting the degree first and then I can figure that out.

12.21.23 Drury Harvard

Drury played for Harvard University from 2018-2020 before beginning his professional career.

What off-ice accomplishments have you made this year (and what would you like to achieve in 2024? - @sucanejuice

Getting my degree was probably the big one.

I've read some good books and I had a decent summer, not great, at golf. I think for next year I'd definitely like to improve my golf game. That would be an accomplishment or something I'd like to do.

What's the best book you've read?

A Gentleman In Moscow by Amor Towles.

Which players, current or former, do you look up to the most? - @_lilyrae

Growing up I watched a lot of Pavel Datsyuk. Being in Chicago, I also watched a lot of Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews too.

As a player now, getting to play against Connor McDavid, you realize that he's on another level. It's a tough challenge but he is fascinating to watch. He's so gifted.

On our team, getting to play with Burnzie is so cool. He's a legend of the game. Getting to be around him off the ice, just as much as on the ice, is really cool.

Why jersey #18? - @PapiMuffinMan

My dad wore it when he played, so I just followed suit.

12.21.23 Ted Drury

Ted Drury, wearing #18 for the Anaheim Mighty Ducks, during a game in 1998.

What’s your favorite place you’ve visited during your hockey career, whether it was in college, Sweden, AHL, or NHL? - @Hancy831

I got to go to Budapest for a training camp in an Under-18 tournament during the summer, and that was really, really cool.

What music do you like to listen to before game time? - @swaymarkhugs

Before games, I usually like whatever DJ Neci (Martin Necas) has going in the locker room. I do like EDM music because I feel like it gets me going the most.

What's your go-to song at the moment, whether it gets you pumped up for hockey or not?

All Again by Charles Wesley Godwin.

Brendan Lemieux showed it to me and it's a really great song.

What is your favorite Christmas cookie? - @KBNovaStarr

My mom makes homemade sugar cookies and they're unbelievable. I have to go with those.

NYI@CAR: Drury scores goal against Semyon Varlamov

If he wasn't in the NHL, what would he do as a job? - @cocowestcliffe

I think I would have given it a go at trying to be a professional baseball player.  I loved baseball a lot as a kid so that probably would have been my next choice.

That's right, you were a star this summer over at Durham Bulls Athletic Park...


Their batting practice coach was throwing it at 95 mph though.

(Editors Note: Jack was still raking.)

What are your favorite things to do outside of hockey? - @Jacobs4858

I love going on walks.  Especially when it's nice and sunny in Raleigh.

I like just watching sports with my brothers.  That's one of my favorite activities.  Shooting the breeze with them, cracking jokes and watching sports is the best.

After that, I like to read and play golf.

12.20.23 Drury DBAP